FANUC A20B-2001-0065
Fanuc Master PCB belongs to the series 0 model C. This A20B-2001-0065 board is a full size 32 bit architecture of later F0-MD and 0-TTD controls. Allowing up to 8 axes control from this surface mount motherboard.
We offer testing facilities whether its the servo amplifier control or encoder feedback together creating full loop. In stock available to ship exchange today. If you are unsure if your motherboard is indeed faulty and need it tested then no problems. Repair is no issue either; assuming the board has not suffered serious corrosion damage. We normally carry these boards in stock available for exchange.
A20B20010065 ships from Neuhausen, Germany
As a rule we always try to keep these master boards in our stocks. These are fixed by us where we fully refurbish the units replacing all the common components that fail on these cards as well the fault. These PCB’s are normally supplied on an exchange basis to save you money and time quicker than other independent suppliers who offer no in-house testing and repair facilities for A20B20010065 with warranty.
Usually available to ship same day on exchange orders fully tested with warranty. If unsure if your Master PCB is indeed faulty then ship your board in for test, inspection.
Interested in learning more? Contact us if you wish to discuss options for exchange, repair or testing of your A20B-2001-0065 pcb at +49 (0) 7158 984130 or by email. We’d be happy to answer your questions!
This master pcb is always in group stock and normally in stock in Germany.