Fanuc Parts Specialists

T: +49 (0) 7158 984130


Fanuc Alarm, Error Code for faults within Fanuc hardware, software or illegal program/machining operation alarms. Listed below is common Fanuc alarm codes, errors or illegal function or operation which forces your CNC machine tool too fault.


System alarms are presented on the screen / display of the control system. Covering Fanuc CNC controls from system Zero, 6, 10, 11, 15, 16 18, 21 onto later 16i/18i/21i controls. Fanuc alarm errors listed on the display cover direct system alarms, drive alarms, communication alarms and notification alarms.

LED / 7 Segment display lit on main boards (red and green).


Fanuc alarm codes listed on drives are displayed either on the single or twin 7 segment display or via LED on the control board.

LED’s lit on various BETA servo units.

P/S errors / alarms:

  • PS85 – Communication Error (RS232)
  • PS86 – DR Signal OFF (RS232)
  • PS101 – Please Clear Memory

Currently at DNC we have thousands of Fanuc manuals for operation, maintenance, programming and more. For further more expansive information contact us or call you local CNC service engineer.

Fanuc Parts Specialist:

If your Fanuc control system alarms then we can help by assisting you with diagnosis and the supply of parts or repair of drives, motors and control system boards. Further we can build cables on order if required.

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