Fanuc Parts Specialists

T: +49 (0) 7158 984130

CNC Resources

Welcome to our collection of links and resourceful sites for Countries of Europe. Company sites listed here are CNC machining companies, CNC servicing and maintenance, retrofitting and repairers of machine tools, electronics and electronic engineering, component distributors, industrial and hobby CNC and PC based control system manufacturers as well DC / AC drive amplifier and servo spindle motor manufacturer, and more.

Your Company Name (linked to your company) – Description Text Explaining Services, etc.

  • CNC Electronics West Inc – Californian facility supplying Fanuc throughout the West Coast USA, Canada and all of South America. For Mexican – Spanish for South American machine tool users.
  • CNC Electronics Inc – US based company providing Fanuc and GE Fanuc parts, exchange, repair, used surplus spares to the USA and Canada.
  • DNC Electronics Ltd – UK based company providing Specialist Fanuc CNC services, including AC and Alpha drives, Control boards, massive stock of Fanuc Motors, especially servo, spindle axis, power supplies and Fanuc monitors. Deals with UK, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Iceland, Findland, Sweden, Norway, Africa, Australia, New Zealand and rest of Asia Pacific.

Machine Tool Associations of Europe:

  • Cecimo – European Association of the Machine Tool Industries and related manufacturing technologies.
  • AFM – Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (Iberia).
  • FIM – Federation des Industries Mecaniques (France).
  • Swissmem – The Swiss association of mechanical and electrical engineering industries.
  • UCIMU – Sistem Per Produrre (Italia).
  • VDW – Verein Deutscher Werkzeugmaschinenfabriken e. V. (Deutschland).
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