FANUC A50L-0001-0125
FANUC A50L-0001-0125 transistor module have another part number known as FUJI ELECTRIC 6DI50A-060. This darlington power module is available from stock today to ship anywhere in Europe. There are two versions of this transistor, as mentioned and the other being the A50L-0001-0125. Rated at 50 amps and 600 volts; this transistors is fitted in different size Fanuc AC spindle and servo units. Resultedly not in later ALPHA series spindle modules as claimed elsewhere. Mounted direct onto the heatsink of the drive; with a wiring specification PCB between itself and other power electric components and the control board.
Alternate number is Fuji EVL32-060
Power transistor modules are ready to be shipped anywhere to aid in the repair of Fanuc AC spindle drives. At CNCpart we alwasy keep a large stock of these A50L-0001-0125 transistors modules for our own repair needs. If upon ordering the transistor modules it either blows back out or does not rectify your fault then contact us as we can take the repair from there. Offering a very quick repair turnaround from as littel as 24 hours. Alternatively if your not sure, then we would suggest either ordering an exchange AC spindle unit or shipping your suspectedly faulty drive to us for repair.
Contact us regarding ordering a Fuji 6DI50A-060 your fault information or call for prices, stock and alternate solutions to your Fanuc drive problems.