Fanuc A50L-0001-0175
Two versions exist of these power transistor modules, both made by Fuji Electric of Japan. As a part owner of Fanuc Ltd, Fuji have bought millions of components on behalve of Fanuc for various electronic devices. In this instance the A50L-0001-0175 is also known as 6DI120C-060 in a special FANUC only package design.
Further Fuji released a 2nd generation darlington transistor in 6DI120D-060 with Fanuc labelling the transistor A50L-0001-0175#M. These transistors were fitted in yellow framed Fanuc AC Spindle Servo Units; from 6059 thru 6063 series drives.
This transistor is a six gate 120Amp per gate at 600 volt. These are normally always in stock and are genuine Fuji power transistor modules. If not we carry alternatives that are in the same package (shape/size) that act as an upgrade transistor.