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FANUC ALARM 8, 9, A, HC [Abnormal Current]

Fanuc 8, 9, A, b, C, D, HC: High Current Alarm

In earlier generation Fanuc servo amplifier units; Alarms 8, 9 and A were Abnormal Current alarms. With Fanuc alarm 8 on later Fanuc servo amplifier modules the term is now High Current or short circuit in the amplifier or motor.

Normally the standard 8, 9, A alarms will appear with an alarm on the CNC control system. With later control systems running with aiSV or ALPHA i series servo amplifiers the alarm will be SV0600 (DC Link Overcurrent). On earlier systems and drives such as ALPHA, C series, etc the system would present with alarm 414, 424, 434 due to servo detection errors.

High Current / Short Circuit meaning short to ground, the short is causing to much current to flow through the power stage inside the amplifier either temporary or permanently dependent on cause.

The alarm 8, 9, A, b, c, d and E list on the following axis:

  • Alarm 8 / b = First Axis = L channel (on single, dual or triple axis drive).
  • Alarm 9 / c = Second axis = M channel (only on dual or triple axis drive).
  • Alarm A / d = Third axis = N channel (only on triple axis drive).

Assessing the alarm:

  • 1. Make sure that the no parameters have been changed causing abnormal current control.
  • 2. Make sure their is no mechanical issues locking/binding/restricting the axes.
  • 3. Check the power cable between drive and motor.
  • 4. Check the signal cable from the system to the drive.
  • 5. Mega the motor
  • 6. Assess the drive or swap out.
  • 7. Fault on the CNC; either axis output (PWM/FSSB) dependent on system.

Fanuc Parts Specialist:

If your Fanuc control system alarms with either 414, 424, 434 or SV0600 or any servo amplifiers alarm with 8 / 9 / A then we can help by assisting you with diagnosis and the supply of parts or repair of drivesmotors and control system boards. Further we can build cables on order if required.

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